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Continuing Student Communication Strategy (Georgia State University-2024)

The Continuing Student Communication Strategy priority is designed to establish a streamlined, cohesive approach to communicating with our continuing student population. We have already made progress with two key units—Registration and Financial Aid—by partnering with a third-party vendor to create personalized communication journeys for these processes.

Enhancing Student Onboarding (Georgia State University-2024)

All incoming first-year students were connected post-NSO with online information and communication from their top 5 engagement choices via the Panther Involvement Network - PIN. During their in-person NSO event, each student attended a 'Panther Connect' session to dive deeper in their top desired involvement opportunity, where they were able to connect and share contact information with students that possess similar interests as them.

Companion Course and Academic Support for Pre-Calculus (Georgia Institute of Technology-2024)

Students enrolled in precalculus (MATH 1113) have been identified as a high-priority population at Georgia Tech as the course is a gateway to successfully progressing into and completing a STEM degree. While student athletes were typically the majority of our precalculus enrollment, as the Georgia Tech strategically expands access to student groups historically underrepresented in higher education, MATH 1113 enrollment is steadily rising (161.4% increase from Fall 2018 to Fall 2022).

Experiential Learning (ASPIRE Strategy 4) (Georgia Gwinnett College-2024)

The EXACT Plan consolidates GGC’s existing experiential learning resources and practices, expands upon that campuswide inventory by fostering a culture of curricular practice, strengthens practices through focused faculty training that integrates ePortfolio and critical thinking pedagogies into GGC’s expanding experiential learning profile, and operationalizes strategies for ensuring access to all students. 

Experiential learning and critical thinking are the topics of GGC’s current QEP.

Improve the first-year completion rate of the Mathematics and Quantitative Skills areas and the Communicating in Writing areas of the core IMPACTS (East Georgia State College-2024)

EGSC is seeking to improve the rate at which students complete the English composition series and required math course within their first 30 hours of coursework. We understand that failure to complete these vital and foundational courses in the early portion of a student’s education journey can hinder the student by blocking courses that need the prerequisite and by limiting the number of choices a student has available to choose from during each successive registration period.

Building a relationship-rich culture to support faculty-student mentoring. (Augusta University-2024)

Augusta University has a robust, multi-year plan to promote student retention and graduation utilizing the Four-to-Finish principles of Mindset, Purpose, Pathways and Engagement. Over the previous years, AU has implemented new strategies to support enrollment growth, and most recently created holistic student support structures organized by meta-majors.


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