Research the possibilities of instituting inclusive textbook access – the idea that students would receive all digital course materials at a discounted rate, directly billed as part of their tuition. This model supports student academic success and retention efforts by ensuring every student is prepared on or before the first day of class.
An alternative presented by our textbook provider is branded as “equitable” access – the idea that students could pay a flat rate each semester for all course materials, print or digital.
Evaluation Plan and measures: This project consists of three phases, with the second and third phases contingent on the results of phase one:
- (Phase 1) Feasibility Study – in progress
- (Phase 2) Development and Pilot Implementation
- (Phase 3) Scaling.
The measure corresponding to the evaluation of phase one consists of the full execution of a feasibility study regardless of the outcome of such study. This study will include elements like:
- Analysis of cost differences between traditional textbooks and inclusive access. Include comparison of print and digital materials, if available.
- Faculty Survey – To be distributed November 2024
- Do the available publishers provide texts that meet the needs and expectations of faculty?
- How can inclusive textbooks aid students achieve learning outcomes?
- Identification of courses ideal for participation in a pilot program
A positive outcome from phase one would then lead to phase two which would involve evaluative measures like:
- Creation of an implementation timeline
- Development and implementation of training and communications campaigns for faculty and students
- Implementation of a pilot program
Finally, the scaling evaluation will be related to the efficacy on improving access and affordability of the material for students, and in particular, the proportion of students that have access to all their materials during the first day of class, and the average cost of materials for students benefiting from the program.
- (Phase 1) Feasibility Study
- Completion of the feasibility study.
- (Phase 2) Development and Pilot Implementation
- Completion of an implementation timeline
- Execution of training and communication campaigns
- Launch of pilot program
- (Phase 3) Scaling.
- Proportion of students that have access to all their materials during the first day of class.
- Average cost of materials for students that participate in the program.
Baseline measure (for each KPI):
- (Phase 1) Feasibility Study: N/A
- (Phase 2) Development and Pilot Implementation: N/A
- (Phase 3) Scaling.
- Access KPI: TBD
- Cost KPI: TBD
Current/most recent data (for each KPI):
Goal or targets (for each KPI):
Time period/duration:
- (Phase 1) Feasibility Study: Spring 2024 - Spring 2025
- (Phase 2) Development and Pilot Implementation: Spring 2025 – Fall 2025 (contingent on phase 1)
- (Phase 3) Scaling: Spring 2026 (contingent on phase 1 and 2)
This project is still in the “studying” phase. Preliminary information is still in the process of being gathered. A faculty survey will be ready for implementation by the end of November 2024. Cost-analysis is still ongoing.
The course of the next year will involve collecting data, conducting research and cooperating with various offices on campus (Business Affairs, Auxiliary Services, Registrar, Technology Services, etc.) to evaluate the feasibility of the program, and to determine possible next steps. These steps are still in-progress.
The college understands that the inclusion of textbook costs as part of the tuition has numerous logistic, symbolic, and political implications. It will be important to maintain all communication channels open, and to discuss this project with numerous stakeholders to avoid any pitfalls.
We will work closely with our existing textbook provider and other USG institutions which may have already navigated this process.