Columbus State University—a four-year institution—serves the educational needs of a diverse region by providing a mixture of liberal arts and professional programs leading to associate, baccalaureate, and graduate degrees. The University also serves transfer and transient students as well as those seeking certification and licensure. The University maintains a strong core of general education as the foundation of all its academic programs. The University provides a student-centered developmental program for those students who are unprepared for the rigors of college work.
In Fall 2014, department chairs developed program maps for each major. These maps were then published in the online catalog and shared with students in an effort to help them stay on track toward degree completion and to increase their understanding of program requirements and course sequence. In addition, the Academic Center for Excellence (ACE) developed interest-area maps (metamajor maps) for undecided students.
A campus-wide initiative was implemented in Summer 2014 to provide new students beginning in Fall 2014 with 15 hour schedules for their first term of study. These schedules were developed in advance by academic advisors with input from the students. We provided information on the 15-to-Finish campaign to incoming students through our orientation presentations and to faculty staff advisors through our advising training sessions throughout fall and spring semesters.
Increase the number of students graduating with degrees in the STEM fields. Efforts included: Offered STEM Honors Camp (a two-week residential experience) to encourage high school students’ interest in STEM fields at CSU, and to encourage CSU students to consider teaching in STEM fields. Provided free tutoring to students in gateway STEM courses. Trained and provided Peer Instruction Leaders for targeted STEM introductory level courses. And others.