The CCG Collaborative Capacity grants are a follow-up to the 2016 CCG Regional Meetings that gathered schools from four different regions of Georgia to pool resources in search of solutions to CCG challenges. As stated at the Regional Meetings, these grants are intended to be the next stage in planning to produce concrete, actionable steps to address identified challenges. The notes from each of these meetings can be found here.
The Collaborative Capacity grants provide funding for one-time symposia or a series of gatherings to address strategies to meet CCG goals for institutions across the state. The grant’s purpose is to support the convening of faculty and staff from at least two (and preferably more) institutions of higher education (IHE) to create plans, policies and procedures to assist the institutions and state to better meet CCG goals.
CCG envisions each symposium to be a one-day meeting or a series of meetings taking place between June 1 and December 1, 2016, consisting of collaborative teams of thought leaders from multiple institutions. Within these parameters, the format is flexible.
The primary deliverable to CCG will be an actionable plan or plans to solve college completion challenges identified by CCG and/or the Regional Meeting participants in 2016. Preference will be given to plans that provide the promise of solutions that are scalable to multiple USG institutions and/or the USG System Office. All plans will be shared throughout the System.
The full request for proposals is available here. Please contact Lesley Anne Fenton with any questions.