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MSV Planning Template

 MSV Planning Template (Word File)

Your plan for Momentum for the coming year should build on the foundation of your existing work. To do this, for 2022, we ask that you reflect on your current commitments to student success, evaluate their progress, and assess what adjustments you need to make. This assessment should take place in the context of the overall success of your students, your institutional goals or objectives, and your progress toward these.

This is an opportunity to bring together what you have learned from your team’s reflections on the work over the past year, from other institutions through the Momentum Summit, and from current discussions in the field.

How to use the planning template

The planning template is intended as a guide for institutional discussions and is the preferred format for submitting your 2022 Momentum Plan. There are three primary sections:

  1. Student Success Inventory
  2. Reflecting on your work
  3. Lessons from the Pandemic

The primary focus of the Momentum Summit V is to take stock and assess the impact of your work, and where you may need to focus efforts to achieve the outcomes you want. Following up on the theme of resilience from last year’s Summit, we ask that you reflect upon the outcomes of the past year and what you can learn from your work. 

Using your 2021 Momentum Plan and Update as a starting point, complete the activity inventory for those projects that you are planning to continue in the coming year. This inventory can help you understand how your resources are being deployed, to what end, and how you can understand the impact of your work. It should also help to inform your reflection in section 2 to point to where you have been successful, and where you need to seek improvement.

For 2022, the Momentum Framework (Purpose, Pathways and Mindset) remains the organizing structure for understanding success work on campus, with continued attention to change management and data and communications to support your efforts across and among these pillars.

Section 1 of this template establishes an inventory of your high priority/high impact activities on Student Success.  The foundation of this section will likely be your CCG Updates and Momentum Plans. You do not need to include every student success activity that is in place on your campus, but should focus on those that are your highest priorities and highest impact (either actual or potential). Section 1 also asks for a brief update on your “Big Idea” from 2021, and on your plans and ideas for expanding support and engagement with Momentum more broadly across your campus.

Section 2 of the template asks you to generally reflect on your work on student success, to understand your strengths and success, and where you may need to invest energy and effort to improve, and what technical assistance you feel would be most helpful from the System Office.

Section 2 also asks you to informally set goals or targets for top-level success measures and for closing gaps, where they exist. This goal setting should align with other local strategic planning and goals that have been set, as well as your planning for specific success activities. Goals may be expressed in terms of percentages or raw numbers.

Section 3 provides an opportunity for you to share what you have learned from your experiences during the Pandemic with the System and your peer institutions. We encourage you to use this section to foster a discussion on your campus about you have done to adapt to change and support students has worked, and not worked over the past two years. It is also a space for you to identify key knowledge and lessons that may serve to support the collective understanding of how to navigate the current context for higher education. Our goal is to use the results of Section 3 to provide a document for review by all institutions. 

Institutions will present the outlines of their plans, specifically their inventory and plans for 2022, on March 11 at the Momentum Summit V Capstone Event at Columbus State University. The event will provide an opportunity for institutions to hear from one another and provide one another feedback on their work. Following the Capstone, institutions will have additional time to reflect upon what they have learned from their peers and gather input and support from across campus. Final plans are to be submitted through the Provost’s office as a Word file by Friday, March 25 via email to

Momentum Plan for 2022

Section 1: Your Student Success Inventory

What are your priority programs/projects/activities/initiatives related to student success?

For each of your priority student success activities, provide the information indicated below

Activity/Project Name


Momentum Area
(select all that apply)

  • Purpose
  • Pathways
  • Mindset
  • Change Management
  • Data & Communications

Activity/Project Overview or Description (what this is?)


Activity/Project Activity Status (where is this in process? E.g., studying, initiating, piloting, scaling, maintaining, retiring, etc.)


Evaluation/Assessment plan (Key Performance Indicators, assessment plan, anticipated time period, reporting and review)

Evaluation Plan and measures:

Baseline measure

Goal or targets

Time period/duration

Progress and Adjustments
(what has been accomplished and what changes do you feel you need to make)


Plan for the year ahead
(What steps will you be taking in 2022)


What challenges will affect your ability to do this activity?
What support do you need from outside your institution (e.g., the System Office or other institutions) to be successful?


Project Lead/point of contact



1.2       Your Big Idea

For the 2021 Summit, you developed and implemented a Big Idea. What have you learned from your Big Idea? What evidence or indicators do you have? What are your plans to continue or adjust it?


1.3       Global Momentum Work

In reflecting on your work above, what units on campus would have the opportunity to be more engaged in your Momentum Work? If so, in what ways and in what areas?


Section 2: Reflecting on your Momentum Work & Minding the Gaps

Looking at your student success inventory, campus context and institutional data…

2.1       What are your strengths with respect to student success? Where are you having the greatest success and making the most progress?


2.2       What are your priority areas for continued improvement and why? Where do you have gaps in performance among student subgroups? What are your plans for understanding and closing these gaps?


2.3       What supports from the System Office would be most helpful in advancing your work?


2.4       Goal Setting

 Reviewing your recent data, what are your overall goals/targets for:


Baseline (year) measure

Time period/Time from now


Enrollment & Diversity


Retention & Closing Retention Gaps


Graduation & Closing Graduation Gaps (150% of time/100% of time)


Completion of Area A courses in the first year


Credit Intensity for full time students and closing disparities



Section 3: Lessons from the Pandemic

The Pandemic has changed both the context in which students learn and our institutions operate and the students that we serve, in some ways that we can recognize, and others that we still are struggling to understand. We want to understand a bit more about what you have learned from the Pandemic, what the unanticipated consequences of the many changes and adjustments you have made have been, and what we can carry forward from this experimentation and adaptation into common practice. 

3.1       What changes that you have made in your practices/programs/operations because of the Pandemic improved your effectiveness and you plan to maintain or build upon?


3.2       How has your communications with students shifted with student since the Pandemic? How did that go? What did you learn?


3.3       In what ways, if any, are the students you serve today different from the students you were serving before the Pandemic? What are the implications for your success work and for campus functions in general?


3.4       What are the questions you are still working on about supporting students in the Pandemic?