Placing students that fall below a 2.0 institutional GPA on academic intervention. Required enrollment into GSU 1000 course and one-on-one coaching.
Evaluation Plan and measures: (current) full data collection on AI students and EAB tracked engagement to promote 1-term Warning status.
Baseline measure: engagement number, appointments, AIP completion, meet 2.25 term GPA requirement or come into good standing.
Goal or targets: Reduce Warning to Probation status by 15%.
Time period/duration: Academic Year.
Adjustments included flexible caseload assignments to maximize both student choice and relational scaffolding, refinements to communication plan adjusting communications to emphasize student intake assessment responses
Reimagining position to allow us to engage more in proactive intervention; working to identify and engage with at-risk populations prior to coming in on academic intervention, refining academic intervention communication plan to develop student social capital
Challenges include a high level of recent turnover in staffing, and growing pains of adjustment furthering relational success coaching model