Update of Curriculum Maps (East Georgia State College-2023)
Update the curriculum maps for the 7 academic degrees offered by EGSC to encompass Fall, Spring and Summer semesters with a redesign of the maps to make them more engaging to students.
Update the curriculum maps for the 7 academic degrees offered by EGSC to encompass Fall, Spring and Summer semesters with a redesign of the maps to make them more engaging to students.
The Campus-Wide Advising Model activity is designed to effectively communicate to students the requirements to earn a degree. Implementing this campus-wide model will position Professional Advisors (PA) as the first point of contact for admitted students who are interested in any program at ASU. PA understanding of the programs allows them to clearly, succinctly, and thoroughly inform students of course overviews, petitioning deadlines, prerequisite courses, GPA minimums, and if applicable clinicals, internships, and program specific standardized exams.
We continue to implement ways to help support students both in and out of the classroom to be successful and improve retention.
Provide real-time guided Change of Major process for students aided by low-level AI to help them see the implications of a change and direct them to areas in first-generation friendly language to move to the best-fit major.
Meeting with undecided students at orientation to provide supports early in the process and explain implications of purposeful choice.
This project aims to encourage students to take fuller schedules to keep them on track to graduate. Specific activities include:
The First Year Experience is one of three embedded experiences that is built into the GC curriculum. To “Complete your journey,” for First Year Experience, students need to complete their GCSU 0001 (FYAS) and GC1Y courses.
Prior Submission: Better Use of Dynamic Forms
Previously, strides were made to improve at the institution to lessen the structural obstacles facing students. The migration to self-registration and the electronic process for academic advising assisted in streamlining the process for students and advisors. Initially, all forms were advisor initiated. Modifications were made to forms to make them student-initiated, creating a shared responsibility between the student and advisor. Updates were also made to the change of major form, and the mid-term drop form for better efficiency.
The reorganization of retention/advising is almost complete. It includes:
i) Restructuration of advising and retention staffs: The Director of Retention is becoming the Director of Student Success, and we are recruiting an Assistant Director. All advisors and student success coaches will all have the same title – Student Success Coach – but they will all do a little of both roles.
To provide another option for students to take less credit hours and perform better academically, but still graduate in two years. See two attachments: Two-Year (four semesters) and Two-Year (Six semesters).