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Course Redesign

Faculty Development (Georgia Highlands College-2024)

CETL facilitated and will continue to facilitate faculty book talks, workshops, and faculty learning communities to promote growth mindset and purpose. · CETL facilitated and will continue to facilitate the Relentless Welcome (Felton, 2023). · Workshops for faculty focused on teaching success that are formatted to be conducted without technology (Talking Teaching, Expert Panels) · HIP attribute

Quality Enhancement Plan, 2023-2028 (Dalton State College-2024)

The Quality Enhancement Plan seeks continuous improvement relative to two Student Learning Outcomes:

  1. Students will demonstrate knowledge and skills that develop their academic perseverance.
  2. Students will describe an enhanced sense of belonging within the College.

Interventions are planned and implemented in Perspectives (our first-year seminar), Advising, Campus Resources, and Engagement (PACE).

ENDEAVOR (College of Coastal Georgia-2024)

The ENDEAVOR program helps students personalize, internalize, and later articulate their transformation beyond a credential. By awarding ENDEAVOR Tags that celebrate student development and engagement through courses and co-curricular activities, students become more aware of their own growth and are provided with the language to describe the skills they have gained. This language will give them an advantage when entering the workforce, as they will be able to describe their college experience in a way that resonates with employers.

Increase Student Success Rates in Gateway Courses (Atlanta Metropolitan State College-2024)

This project continues to build on Momentum Year activities, improving success rates in gateway courses, particularly targeting ENGL 1101 courses. Various strategies will be employed to improve student success rates, including curriculum redesign, innovative pedagogical strategies, mindset activities.

Faculty Development (Georgia Highlands College-2024)

CETL facilitated and will continue to facilitate faculty book talks, workshops, and faculty learning communities to promote growth mindset and purpose. · CETL facilitated and will continue to facilitate the Relentless Welcome (Felton, 2023). · Workshops for faculty focused on teaching success that are formatted to be conducted without technology (Talking Teaching, Expert Panels) · HIP attribute


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