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East Georgia State College-[node:field-date:custom:Y]--Tutoring, -Early Alerts

Provide a range of academic support services to remove obstacles and provide clear pathways to college completion. Increase student usage of tutoring and academic advising services in the Academic Center for Excellence (ACE). Extend ACE office hours. Refine the Early Warning System and integrate it into the academic services of the ACE.  Utilize intrusive advising techniques, with assistance from course instructors, to assist students.

Columbus State University-[node:field-date:custom:Y]--Tutoring, -Early College, Other/Undefined

Increase the number of students graduating with degrees in the STEM fields. Efforts included: Offered STEM Honors Camp (a two-week residential experience) to encourage high school students’ interest in STEM fields at CSU, and to encourage CSU students to consider teaching in STEM fields. Provided free tutoring to students in gateway STEM courses. Trained and provided Peer Instruction Leaders for targeted STEM introductory level courses. And others.


Albany State University-[node:field-date:custom:Y]--Financial Aid Interventions, -Tutoring, -Timely Interventions, -Early Alerts, Other/Undefined

Increase the Number of Undergraduate Degrees Awarded By ASU through the following strategies: Implement and intensify targeted advising for students in collaboration with faculty who are not progressing through Early Alert System; Recruit military personel and Latino/a students; and offer Comprehensive Financial Aid Advising


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