The CCG Campus Plan Updates are intended to be an opportunity for your institution to reflect on your past work and plan for next steps. Updates are living documents rooted in your institutional mission and student body profile and reflecting the work that will get closest to your goals for improved student success. It is our intention for updates to be a part of a campus planning process that helps to identify success and challenges and communicates these to peers at institutions across the University System
As a follow up to the discussion of first year seminars at the Momentum Summit, institutions from across the System indicated an interest in exploring this aspect of the transition to college more fully. The USG is inviting institutions to send teams to a System Workshop on the First Year Seminar at the Georgia Tech Conference Center on Monday, May 13, from 10:00 am to 4:00 pm.
This workshop is being developed as an opportunity to learn more about best and promising practices with these courses and share experiences and challenges with peers from across the state.
The 2019 Mindset Summit will be held on Friday, April 26, at the Jekyll Island Convention Center (map) from 9:00 am to 3:00 pm. The Summit will provide an opportunity to review what we have learned about students' in the USG and begin to investigate next steps in developing activities to support students productive academic mindsets.
Building on the experience and successes of the past year, the Summit will provide institutional teams with an opportunity to reflect upon their Momentum Year plans and the work they have accomplished to date and identify what remains to be done in order to fully implement a Momentum Year on their campuses by Fall 2019. Additionally, the Summit is an opportunity for institutions to think more deeply about how the Momentum Year integrates across the breadth of a student’s experience in college. Participants will work through a series of engaging and creative exercises to develop personal plans for action that will inform campus-wide implementation plans.