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Tutor on-Demand and Study Table (Albany State University-2023)

Tutoring On-Demand (TOD) and Study Table services are available to students to aid in increasing academic support either in person or online.  The modality for this instruction may include one-on-one or group sessions in person or the integration of virtual tutoring via TOD.  These different modalities provide student access to academic resources that will help to increase their ability to engage in classroom learning and retain the content of the subject matter. 

Mid-Term Conversations (Albany State University-2023)

Mid-Term Conversations provide students with mid-term DFUs with face-to-face opportunities in one-on-one or small groups to discuss challenges from the first half of the semester and expose them to campus resources to get them back on track.

The facilitator asks students direct questions to get them engaged, introduces alternative assumptions, asks for examples, and asks for personal reflections and insights as to why they are having academic challenges in the first year. 

Summer Success Academy (Albany State University-2023)

The Summer Success Academy activity is a 6-week residential learning opportunity that provides incoming freshmen with the ability to get a jump start on their ASU experience. Student participants are enrolled in 7-9 credit hours depending on their cohort. Working closely with expert faculty and supported by a network of peer advisors, learning specialists, and tutors, Academy Scholars learn together as a community within and beyond the classroom.

HERO Mental Health Campaign (Georgia Southern University-2023)

As part of the Mental Health Initiative by the University System of Georgia, the Helping Eagles Recognize Distress and Offer Support was created by a collaborative effort involving the Counseling Center, Athletics, Human Resources, Office of the Dean of Students, Office of Equal Opportunity & Title IX, Office of the Vice President for Student Affairs, Office of Student Wellness & Health Promotion, University Communications and Marketing, University Housing, and University Police. 


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