The goal is implement messaging, events and workshops to get students thinking about their career from the moment they begin at GHC, and for them to start building towards that career goal through the courses they choose and personal and professional development
Evaluation Plan and measures: More career-oriented events and workshops; tracking career counseling, resume and cover letter appointments
KPIs: We want to keep counseling and resume doctoring, as well as the career fairs, and implement Steppingblocks into the equation across the board with Career Services
Baseline measure (for each KPI): We currently see about 20-25 students each semester for career counseling, and run a jobs and career fair each semester, with about a dozen employers at Rome and Cartersville
Current/most recent data (for each KPI) Same as above
Goal or targets (for each KPI): Would to increase career counseling sessions by 50% each semester for the next 3 years, and add 3-4 employers per career fair each semester over that same time period
Time period/duration 3 years
We did increase the number of employers at job fairs this Fall with 15 at each Cartersville and Rome
Drop-in hours for career counseling and a career-readiness mini-conference in the Spring
Limited personnel resources