This initiative centered on training advisors to help students create fuller schedules (15 or more hours) and complete Area A requirements within 30 hours, aided by the use of scheduling tools and success markers in Navigate.
The “Boost” Mindset project, so named to reflect its goal to provide participants a boost towards academic success, embodies a series of virtual workshops to which every currently enrolled student has access via SGSC’s GeorgiaVIEW LMS. The series includes content about motivation, note-taking, time management, study skills, the neuroscience of learning, etc. Those students who choose to participate may earn certificates (for which some faculty offer incentives).
South Georgia State College, a state college of the University System of Georgia, is a multi-campus, student-centered institution offering high-quality associate and select baccalaureate degree programs. The institution provides innovative teaching and learning experiences, a rich array of student activities and athletic programs, access to unique ecological sites, and residential options to create a diverse, globally-focused, and supportive learning environment.
(SGSC Mission Statement, approved 2012)
Since the initial implementation the SGSC student research symposium has taken place each semester. The purpose of the symposium is to provide a forum for students to present their research to the SGSC community and interested residents of surrounding communities. Any student may engage in research to be presented, and each presenter has a faculty mentor.
Undergraduate research was initially part of our QEP, but it continues on as an important component of our student engagement. Participation has grown significantly over the years.
Provide an array of career services and develop collaborative career programming through alumni involvement in disseminating the career information.
Concierge Coaching is a model to help at-risk students in their journey while at SGSC. It provides an additional layer of support and connection for these students by assigning them to a “coach” which may be a faculty or staff member