South Georgia State College is a four-year residential institution that serves the educational, social, and economic development of the region by providing accessible, high quality student-centered education. Through close collaboration with faculty and staff, students are engaged in educational opportunities that empower them for success in a sustainable global society. South Georgia State College prepares students to think critically, communicate proficiently, and act responsibly as civic-minded, environmentally conscious citizens.
Provide intrusive advising to keep students on track to graduate; decrease excess credits on the path to getting a degree
The STEPS initiative began in fall 2012 as a collaboration between Academic Affairs, Academic Support Services, and Residential Life as an effort to increase the persistence and retention of residential students.
Piloted in spring 2014 and in full operation summer 2014, the Near Completer strategy identified students who have “stopped out” within 15 semester credit hours of earning an associate degree at SGSC.
The strategy is to increase Move on When Ready offerings on area high school and SGSC campuses in order to help those students graduate in as little time as possible and to develop a relationship with high schools that will positively affect overall enrollment.
Transform remediation to increase likelihood of degree attainment; increase the number of undergraduate degrees awarded.