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Refocusing the Curriculum to Ensure 15 to Finish (Savannah State University-2024)

Strategy/Project Name: 
Refocusing the Curriculum to Ensure 15 to Finish
Momentum Area: 
Strategy/Project Description: 

Evaluate all program maps in light of the USG Core IMPACTS and update our associate pathway for our two associate degrees (Core in Arts and Core in Science) using the changes/adjustments made to Core IMPACTS. Stabilizing the leadership in the coordination of the curriculum and implementation of FYE.

Activity Status: 
Evaluation/Assessment plan: 


  1. Updating all degree maps with the Core IMPACT by the end of the fall 2024 semester
  2. Appointment of a full-time faculty to be the coordinator of the FYE
  3. Minimum of one training per semester for FYE faculty
  4. 100% of FYE faculty will ensure that their students received their degree maps, discuss the purpose and how to use them, and have conversations about degree works and its importance to degree completion
  5. Minimum of one training per semester for facultY
Progress and Adjustments: 
  1. Committee has been developed to review and update the program maps to include CORE IMPACTS.
  2. A common template has been developed and disseminated to the program coordinators to update.
  3. The updated program maps were submitted to Academic Affairs by mid-November.
  4. Review by Academic Affairs will continue until the end of the fall 2024 term.
  5. A senior full professor in the college of sciences and technology was appointed to coordinate FYE starting fall semester of 2024.
  6. A training session for all FYE faculty was held in August prior to the start of classes.
  7. A three-question assessment was developed regarding the KPIs for the FYE faculty. 67% of FYE faculty indicated that their students received their degree maps, discussed their purpose and how to use them, and had conversation about degree works and its importance to degree completion.
  8. FYE Coordinator will disseminate the assessment to the FYE faculty teaching in the fall 2024 term and discuss the curriculum modules redesign to ensure that the degree maps module is discussed in the first month of the semester and achieve the 100% goaL.
Plan for the Year Ahead: 
  1. Develop an Ad Hoc FYE Committee.
  2. The committee will review the current FYE course curriculum/syllabus, course evaluations, DWF rates and course correction to gauge the effectiveness of the current course.
  3. Update the University catalog with the program maps.
  4. Ensure all faculty, advisors and students are using the updated program maps
Challenges and Support: 

Leadership transition across the academic year. Resolution is team training and dedicated time agreed to by current academic leadership (Interim Provost and Deans Council)

Primary Contact: 
Andrea Moore (FYE Coordinator and Faculty in COST)