QEP/Experiential Learning (Valdosta State University-2023)
VSU’s Quality Enhancement Plan (Experiential Learning); 2 year completion SP 23
VSU’s Quality Enhancement Plan (Experiential Learning); 2 year completion SP 23
Integration of High Impact Practices and Career Readiness into the curricula and student experiences that create a “Signature” experience for all students.
Program designed to prepare associate-degree seeking students for transition to a bachelor’s program.
Academic alert allows instructors teaching all course modalities to submit a referral if a student is not academically performing at the level they should be in a course. The program is designed to proactively intervene with students struggling academically earlier in the semester. The program functions within a trifecta of support programs at UNG to help students, including, Flight Support and Behavioral Intervention.
Designing and integrating academic success content into all sections of Area B courses, regardless of session length or modality
Improve Learning Support (LS) student success outcomes
Support student success through-
KSU aims to take full advantage of data gathered through the LMS, D2L, for a faculty audience. Our online learning unit, Digital Learning Innovations, has revised their mission to support faculty in using the LMS to manage learning in all modalities and using the data to identify problems, diagnose root causes, and take targeted actions during the semester to impact student success within the semester
Student success projects are being performed in every college based on data provided through the METRICS Dashboard. The METRICS Dashboard was launched in fall 2022 as a way to provide actionable information that is meaningful, relevant to the context of student success and/or barriers to that success, and provide insight into potential challenges to student success.
New Student Orientation (NSO) is designed to help students settle into campus life and fully prepare for the start of their classes and college journey. Students will learn more about campus resources, bond with classmates at social events, and familiarize themselves with campus before classes begin. As part of the Student Success Redesign at Gordon State College, via the USG Study Group, we determined that we needed to revamp our pre-orientation platform to allow for NSO registration and the deployment of a scheduling survey for students.