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HERO Mental Health Campaign (Georgia Southern University-2023)

As part of the Mental Health Initiative by the University System of Georgia, the Helping Eagles Recognize Distress and Offer Support was created by a collaborative effort involving the Counseling Center, Athletics, Human Resources, Office of the Dean of Students, Office of Equal Opportunity & Title IX, Office of the Vice President for Student Affairs, Office of Student Wellness & Health Promotion, University Communications and Marketing, University Housing, and University Police. 

Student Housing Living Learning Community (Georgia Gwinnett College-2023)

Student Housing will begin the implementation of Living Learning Communities (LLCs) on the campus of Georgia Gwinnett College.  LLCs are named as a high-impact practice by the American Association of Colleges & Universities, due to evidence-based benefits for students who are participants. Living Learning Communities are an engaging collaboration between Student Housing/Student Affairs and Academic Affairs, where student cohorts live together in residence.

Inclusive Access for Digital Content used as Textbook (East Georgia State College-2023)

We would like to set up inclusive access for all the digital content used as textbook for all sections that require the purchase of a textbook. Inclusive Access, also known as automatic textbook billing, is a sales model for college textbooks. Inclusive access allows for the digital content to be delivered to students by the first day of class. Students have a period to “opt out” before they are billed through their tuition and fees.


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