Georgia College and State University-[node:field-date:custom:Y]-Restructure Instructional Delivery, Other/Undefined
Increase course completion rate by 5% in core mathematics courses using the Math Emporium redesign process.
Increase course completion rate by 5% in core mathematics courses using the Math Emporium redesign process.
FVSU Expanded efforts to identify needs and increase access to FVSU programs and degree completion for adults returning to college, active military, and current student veterans to include creating additional assessment, planning, and intentional programs and services as needed.
The Pre-College Academy is designed to assist in the transition from high school and college. Students formerly rejected for admission to FVSU, but who met the program’s minimum criteria, were invited to attend a five-week, intensive program designed to fortify their skills in reading, writing, and mathematics at Pre-College Academy. Based on their successful completion of this program, they were admitted to the University the following semester.
Target increases in degree completion for underserved populations and Increase degree completion in STEM fields
Increase the number of students graduating with degrees in the STEM fields. Efforts included: Offered STEM Honors Camp (a two-week residential experience) to encourage high school students’ interest in STEM fields at CSU, and to encourage CSU students to consider teaching in STEM fields. Provided free tutoring to students in gateway STEM courses. Trained and provided Peer Instruction Leaders for targeted STEM introductory level courses. And others.
Continuation the QuickStart Program for matriculating students before the semester begins. The competency-based intensive, 80-hour summer workshop designed to prepare students to exit learning support requirements in math and also to demonstrate mastery of the student learning outcomes of our First Year Experience (FYE) class, FYE 0100, Foundations for Success was continued. This program required partnerships with local high schools, instruction from Learning Support, FYE, peer mentors, and support from the institutional budget process.
Workshops, programming, and community outreach regarding college readiness and financial options/incentives, targeted to adult, military, first-year and historically underrepresented students
Centralization of 1st and 2nd year advising to normalize caseloads and provide targeted advising and coaching/intervention services to specific student populations (freshman, transfer, adult, military and secondary-admit programs)
Increase the Number of Undergraduate Degrees Awarded By ASU through the following strategies: Implement and intensify targeted advising for students in collaboration with faculty who are not progressing through Early Alert System; Recruit military personel and Latino/a students; and offer Comprehensive Financial Aid Advising