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Georgia Southwestern State University-[node:field-date:custom:Y]-Other/Undefined

Improving campus culture and better student integration- Using Campus Labs technology in order to implement Collegiate Link.  Collegiate Link is a type of social media software that fosters multiple and deeper integration into campus social networks sponsored and supported by Student Affairs.  Our branded version is called Canes Connect, and is used to strengthen social integration primarily outside of the classroom.

Georgia Southwestern State University-[node:field-date:custom:Y]-Other/Undefined

Peer Mentors- Creation and Implementation of Project Storm Spotters.  The Storm Spotters Team (SST) consists of  peer mentors who serve as co-instructors for UNIV 1000, Orientation to College Success.  SST’s connect first-year students to campus activities and to academic support services in order to improve engagement and academic success.

Georgia Gwinnett College-[node:field-date:custom:Y]-Restructure Instructional Delivery, -Flipped Classrooms, Other/Undefined

HIS: Active Pedagogy with Authentic Experiences. GGC’s primary strategy to address Goal 8 (Restructure instructional delivery) is focused on creating classroom experiences for students that are engaging, provide authentic experiences, and promote deep learning and transferrable skills.


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