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Academic Alerts/Intervention (University of North Georgia-2024)

Academic alert allows instructors to refer students facing challenges in the classroom. The program is designed to proactively intervene with students early in the semester. The program functions utilizing three support programs, including Flight Support and Behavioral Intervention. Alerts are followed by outreach from academic success coaches or academic advisors who work individually with students depending on the individual needs of students.

Improving student success in learning support (Middle Georgia State University-2024)

MGA admits a significant number of students who need remediation and are enrolled in learning support (LS) coursework.  MGA saw a 1.9% increase in the number of LS students from fall’22 to fall’23 and another 1.5% increase from fall’23 to fall’24.  In fall’24, 733 students placed into learning support, accounting for 8.7% of fall’24 enrollment.

Supporting student success through advising, peer mentoring, and academic support (Middle Georgia State University-2024)

Supporting student success is the major focus of all the momentum initiatives at MGA.  By building efficiencies into our advising processes, offering peer mentoring to our students, and enhancing our academic support resources, the student success teams that include our professional academic advisors, the Student Success Centers staff, and the academic success coaches, continue to work towards this goal.  This activity closely aligns with the following MGA’s ASPIRE/POISED goals: 1) To increase the number of qualified applicants for the Pre-licensure Bachelor of Science in Nursing (BSN) and

New Student Initiatives (Kennesaw State University-2024)

To combat lower graduation rates, KSU will focus on four initiatives aimed at supporting new students.

  1. The President’s Focused Learner Program

The President’s Focused Learner Program (PFL) is a KSU initiative seeking to assist incoming students at risk of “Murky Middle” GPAs with their ability to navigate the academic and personal well-being factors often necessary for a student’s academic success. The PFL Program spans all majors at KSU.

Artificial Intelligence and Academic Support (Georgia State University-2024)

This initiative will expand the utilization of an academic chatbot in core courses.  The chatbot provides basic academic information, utilizes intelligent agents in the LMS to monitor student engagement and prompts as necessary, evaluates readiness for quizzes and reminds students about assignments and deadlines. GSU received a $7 million Post Secondary Student Success grant from the Department of Education to launch this technology in introductory English and Math courses in Fall 2024.  Chatbot technology is already used in American Government, Macroeconomics and Chemistry.

(Georgia State University-2024)

The Accelerator Academy is an academic program offered in the summer semester to students who did not successfully complete their introductory English class during the academic year. Students are offered wrap around academic support to help them understand how to successfully engage the material and complete the course successfully.  The goal of this course is to help increase student progression in order to meet the USG’s goal of completing English by the end of the freshmen year (30 hours).

High-Priority Student Focus in Retention Initiatives (Georgia Institute of Technology-2024)

A series of retention and completion initiatives are conducted annually to identify high-priority students and disseminate outreach campaigns aimed at referring, reengaging, and reenrolling these students. During the spring 2024, summer 2024, and fall 2024 semester, we piloted specialized outreach campaigns and retention interventions to high-priority populations to encourage the students to engage in specialized advising with our Student Success Specialist or attend a workshop focused on achieving academic success following an unsatisfactory midterm progress report.

Companion Course and Academic Support for Pre-Calculus (Georgia Institute of Technology-2024)

Students enrolled in precalculus (MATH 1113) have been identified as a high-priority population at Georgia Tech as the course is a gateway to successfully progressing into and completing a STEM degree. While student athletes were typically the majority of our precalculus enrollment, as the Georgia Tech strategically expands access to student groups historically underrepresented in higher education, MATH 1113 enrollment is steadily rising (161.4% increase from Fall 2018 to Fall 2022).


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